Death and New Beginnings, Visions and Goals, Book Releases, Signings, and Events
Indie Author Insights #57 - January 2025
“Page one is where the adventure begins. Courage and creativity fuels the rest of the story. Enjoy the 2025 writer roller coaster ride!” ~ WriterKat
Let’s welcome new subscribers by checking out their books, newsletters, or other creative projects: John William, TG James, Robert McCray, Sherri Ann, and Therry Shower.
Welcome to Indie Author Insights! We are looking forward to getting to know you and your writing journey. Please share your book launches, signings, and other events by posting info in the comment section, messaging me, or emailing
New Name, Same Heart
I changed the name of this newsletter from Indie Author Insiders to Indie Author Insights to reflect my personal author journey and guest author insights. The newsletter will have the same focus of helping authors with the business side of writing and it will continue to include my labor of love to promote the creative arts.
Death and New Beginnings
My mother died December 11th after being in hospice for 12 hours. I woke up at 3:45 a.m. that day thinking that I am envious she gets to see God, grandma, and all our other loved ones that preceded her in death. Then I had a thought that precise writers will understand, “Is envious the right word or is it jealous?” I proceeded to look up both words and watch YouTube videos to get the nuanced meaning. I decided the right word is envious, like I thought.
I planned to tell mom of my early morning escapade when I visited her in a few hours. I put the phone back on my bookshelf headboard and closed my eyes to go back to sleep when I got the phone call that she was gone. Was it a coincidence that I woke up thinking about her going to heaven or did my spirit know she was moving on? I’ll never know, but I’m forever in awe of the mysteries of life, death, and the creative mind.

My mother always supported my dreams. She showed up at my events to cheer me on and help however she could. I’ll miss her so much. As my daughter and I sorted through her things looking for important papers, we found journals, poems, and artwork she created over the years. I was so surprised that she never said anything. I would have published her poems for her. I was always trying to get her to write poems for my anthologies, but she would dismiss it saying she couldn’t write poetry. I suspect imposter syndrome had a chokehold on her. Steven Pressfield calls it Resistance (with a capital R). I have been in its grasp many times, but I barrel through like a snowplow truck in a blizzard. I keep going even though I know more blinding doubt is coming.
I have always felt a strong desire to publish my poems and stories because I don’t want them to die with me. I feel a moral obligation to share my gift with the world despite all the Resistance that comes up. I realize now not everyone has that drive within them or are paralyzed by fear of feeling their art is not good enough to share. My mom’s written words are more precious than gold to me. I love that she left legacy letters for our family. I hope it inspires them, as it inspired me, to live our best, most authentic life, and share our stories with those who matter most.
Happy New Year!
I love the New Year. It’s a time of new beginnings. Fresh goals with blank pages before you. What will your story be? What are your visions and goals for 2025?
My vision is to grow this newsletter to 500+ subscribers. It’s a labor of love to help fellow authors and creatives by sharing their books and behind the scene stories. I want to provide extra value to premium subscribers with my marketing and publishing experience to help us achieve our author visions and goals. I will start adding value by having virtual meetings the second Saturday of the month.
The first online meeting will be January 11th, at 12 PM noon Eastern Standard Time. We will discuss our author visions, goals, upcoming books, events, and outline the monthly meetings for 2025. I will send a link, reminder, and recording to paid subscribers.
My author goal for 2025 is to publish my historical fiction/fantasy book and have a book launch party at Mounds State Park in Anderson, Indiana which is the setting of the novel. I also plan to create another children’s book and a book to help indie authors with marketing. I may do an anthology for good measure!
I hope your year is filled with love, adventure, and all your writer heart’s desires.
Kathy Gerstorff
Indie Authors Association
New Book Releases
Look for my poem titled The 27 Club in this anthology!
This is a book of winning poems for the Poetry Society of Indiana’s (PSI) 46th Annual Poetry Contest. I was a judge for this contest. I love seeing poetry kept alive with contests, open mic poetry readings, and other fun events like PSI has year round. If you love poetry, please consider joining us, participating in a contest, and attending an upcoming event.
2025 Indie Author Calendar of Events
Book Marketing, Networking & Selling Opportunities
Do you want to connect with authors, meet book lovers, and sell more books? Check out these opportunities!
January 2025
1/31/25-2/1/25 – Sixth Annual Sunshine State Book Festival, Friday, January 31, 2025, 7-9 PM and Saturday, February 1, 2025, 10 AM - 4 PM, at the Best Western Grand, 4200 NW 97th Blvd, Gainesville, Florida.
March 2025
3/1/25 – Books, Authors & Publishers Fair, Nashville Fairgrounds, Expo Hall 2, 625 Smith Ave Nashville, Tennessee. Look for Dan Klefstad at this event.
3/8/25 - 3/9/25 – Author Con at The Spine Bookshop, Smyrna, TN, 10 AM - March 9, 2025 · 5pm CST. Look for Dan Klefstad at this event.
3/22/25 – Peoria Bookfest 2025, Saturday, March 22, 2025, 10 AM - 6 PM, FFC's Life Together Center, 3625 N Sheridan Rd, Peoria, Illinois.
3/22/25 – Lexington Book Festival, Saturday, March 22, 2025, 10 AM - 5 PM, 202 N Main St, Lexington, North Carolina.
April 2025
4/12/25 – Hamilton East Public Library (HEPL) Local Author Fair, Saturday, April 12, 2025, 1-4 PM, at the FORUM Events Center, 11313 USA Pkwy, Fishers, Indiana.
4/26/25 – Indy Author Event, Saturday, April 26, 2025, 12-5 PM, 502 East Event Center, 502 East Carmel Drive, Carmel, Indiana.
May 2025
5/3/25 – Ohioana Book Festival, Saturday, May 3, 2025, State Library of Ohio, 274 E. First Ave. #100, Columbus Ohio.
June 2025
6/28-29/25 – Midwest Bookish Fest, Saturday, June 28, 2025, 8 AM - 8 PM, and Sunday, June 29, 2025, 8 AM - 6 PM, Minneapolis Marriott West, 9960 Wayzata Blvd, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
July 2025
7/18-20/25 – Imaginarium Convention, Holiday Inn Louisville East, KY. Look for Dan Klefstad at this event.
7/25-26/25 – Taylor University Professional Writers Conference, Friday, July 25 - Saturday, 26, 2025. You can sell your books on consignment during this event. This is my favorite conference because it’s an affordable, intimate gathering of professional and aspiring writers. Plus, it’s close to home. Let me know if you register so we can exchange notes at lunch or dinner!
September 2025
9/27/25 – Readers and Writers Rendezvous, Saturday, September 27, 2025, 10 AM - 5 PM, Peoria Civic Center Ballroom, 201 SW Jefferson Ave, Peoria, Illinois.
Do you have an upcoming book signing or event to share? Post in the comments or email
Thank You!
Thank you for reading the January 2025 issue of Indie Author Insights (#57). I hope you found it helpful. You can share information about your books, events, and what you want to see in future editions by emailing
Thanks to the Substack Publications recommending Indie Author Insights: Self-Publishing with Dale, The Life Strategies Playbook & Mentoring Program, Jon’s Substack, Johnny B. Truant’s Inspired as F**k, Bernie Books, Made From What's Not Real, Art Spot, Jess Wolfie's Wonderful World, Mordicai’s Substack, John Roberts’ Weekly Rambles, Cellar Door, Letters To My Brother, Lighthouse, Book Whisperer, Bradford’s Substack, John Roberts' Weekly Rambles, Courtenay Nold’s Poetry Warrior Substack, 6 P’s in AI Pods, Melissa’s Substack, and Creative Ukulele Adventures.
Special thanks to our sponsoring subscribers: Ashley Gary Johnson, Bess Sturgis, Bonnie Lieberman, John Sherman, Leland P. Gamson, Lloyd Mullins, Nancy Nau Sullivan, and Sarah Styf. Thank you for supporting indie authors. We appreciate you!